Detailed Classification Notes for G323.4584-00.0787


User name: mgh Source type: HII/YSO Confidence: High Reference: Action
Classification Notes: Bright glimpse ps on side of small weaker cometary nebula. ps corresponds with bright unresolved radio source in Walsh et al 1998 so is a UCHII. Also a methanol maser. Strong CS. AT20G source.
sll: Given Wolf et al A&A 688, A8 change the classification from pure HII to HII/YSO. The AAT spectrum may also hint at this given the possible presence of FeII. If so it would make this akin to Guzman's HCHII G345 source.


1 This page has been provided to provide access to more detailed notes concerning the classification of particular sources.

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Send comments and suggestions to James Urquhart
University of Leeds