The RMS Database Server

RMS Summary Page: G323.4584-00.0787

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MSX and IRAS Details

MSX Images and Fluxes

MSX images (1° x 1° and 15´ x 15´)View all images

Three Colour MSX Image (1° x 1°) (download postscript)

Three Colour MSX Image (15´ x 15´) (download postscript)

Image Notes

These images have been obtained from the MSX image archive located at NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive. The 8 μm band is dominated by emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is coloured blue, the 12 and 14 μm bands have been coadded and coloured green, the 21 μm band reveals emission from warm dust and is coloured red. The region outlined in white in the image on the right shows the region presented in the 2MASS images below. The position of the RMS sources is indicated by a cross and we have drawn a circle around nearby RMS sources in the field.

MSX Point Source Position and Fluxes
RMS Id. MSX Name Source Type RA Dec Astrometry a 8 μm 12 μm14 μm21 μm VLSRb Distance c Z Height c Lum.d Bol. Lum.e
(J2000) (J2000) (Jy) (Jy)(Jy)(Jy) (km s-1) (kpc) (pc) Ratio (Lo)
1298 G323.4584-00.0787 HII/YSO 15:29:19.36 -56:31:21.7 radio 33.56 102.78 153.92 364.02 -67.53 4.21 -5.8 1 1.3e+051

Table Footnotes (View)

Associated IRAS Point Source(s)
IRAS RA Dec Offset 12 μm 25 μm60 μm100 μm
Name (J2000) (J2000) ('') (Jy) (Jy)(Jy)(Jy)
IRAS 15254-5621 15:29:19.6 -56:31:23 3 84.10 522.00 3010.00 4100.00

Near-Infrared Data

2MASS Data

2MASS Images (3' x 3') View all images

H band (1.65 μm)

K band (2.17)

2MASS Point Source(s) Relative positions
Label Source name Offset ('') RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) J Mag H MagK MagQuality flag
a* 15291948-5631235 2.0 15:29:19.49 -56:31:23.5 14.2 11.6 8.4 AEU
d 15292014-5631212 6.5 15:29:20.15 -56:31:21.3 15.0 12.5 11.6 UUE
b 15291864-5631188 6.6 15:29:18.64 -56:31:18.8 15.1 14.3 13.5 ABD
c 15291948-5631297 8.0 15:29:19.49 -56:31:29.7 14.8 12.8 12.3 UUE
h 15292035-5631266 9.6 15:29:20.36 -56:31:26.7 14.9 12.8 12.0 UUE
f 15291810-5631232 10.5 15:29:18.11 -56:31:23.3 15.9 14.3 12.9 BUU
e 15291823-5631277 11.1 15:29:18.24 -56:31:27.8 16.4 14.6 13.0 CUU
g 15291934-5631334 11.6 15:29:19.35 -56:31:33.4 15.5 14.6 12.0 ABU
i 15291797-5631234 11.6 15:29:17.97 -56:31:23.4 15.6 14.3 13.9 UUC
k 15292089-5631095 17.7 15:29:20.90 -56:31:09.5 13.0 11.9 11.6 AAA

Near-Infrared Spectra

NIR Spectroscopy
Date Telescope Instrument Band Spectral res. Reduced
060608 AAT IRIS-2 H+K 1200 No

Mid-Infrared Data


IRAC Images (3' x 3') View all images

3.6 μm (IRAC)

8.0 μm (IRAC)

Interactive Images

View combined GLIMPSE and MIPSGAL images using the Space Science Institute GLIMPSE/MIPSGAL VIEWER

TIMMI2 10 Micron Data

TIMMI2 images View raw data

Cropped image

TIMMI2 Point Source Position and fluxes
Cat. Id. Source Id. RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) Offset ('') Flux (Jy) Source size (Maj x Min) Classification Reference
324 1 15:29:19.59 -56:31:21.9 1.9 29.00 1.6 x 1.5 Point source Mottram et al. 2007


* Telescope pointing position assummed to be the same as MSX position.

WISE Fluxes

WISE Point Source Position and Fluxes
RMS-WISE RA Dec Offset 3.4 μm 4.6 μm12 μm22 μm
Id. (J2000) (J2000) ('') (Jy) (Jy)(Jy)(Jy)
1561 15:29:19.33 -56:31:21.7 0.24 1.8 0.7 85.2 616.3
1560 15:29:21.48 -56:31:28.7 18.92 0.0 0.0 0.5 20.5

Far-Infrared Data

MIPS 24 μm and 70 μm Images

MIPS images (15' x 15')

24 μm (MIPS)

70 μm (MIPS)

Far-infrared Fluxes for RMS sources
IGA 60 Flux (Jy) IGA 100 Flux (Jy) MIPS 70 Flux (Jy) IRAS 60 Flux (Jy) IRAS 100 Flux (Jy) IRAS Offset ('') Reference
3560.21 (0.1%) 4867.79 (0.2%) NA (%) 3010 (8%) 4100 (10%) 3 Mottram et al., 2010


Fluxes measured from IRAS Galaxy Atlas (IGA; Cao et al., 1997) and MIPSGAL 70 Micron (Carey et al., 2009) images using background-fitting photometry. The MIPSGAL fluxes have been corrected for pixel non-linearity. The errors in the IGA and MIPSGAL fluxes do not include systematic errors, which are ~25% for the IGA and ~15% for MIPSGAL 70 micron.

(Sub)mm Continuum Data

SIMBA/MAMBO Images and Data

Source position and fluxes
Cat. ID Name RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) Offset ('') Source size ('') 1.2mm Peak flux (Jy) 1.2mm Integrated flux (Jy) Telescope Reference
189 G323.4597-00.0816 15:29:20.33 -56:31:29.3 11.0 34.0 11.6 SIMBA Faundez et al. 2004

ATLASGAL 870 μm Survey

ATLASGAL 870 μm Emission Map (5' x 5')

(fits file) (postscript file)

(postscript file)


The image presented in the left panel is a 5x5 arcmin region extracted from the ATLASGAL tiles and is centred on the position of the peak flux associated with the source. The source size and orientation is shown by the blue ellipse, while the sizes and orientations of any other detected sources located in the field are shown in yellow. The contours shown in grey start at 3 sigma and increase in steps determined by a dynamic power law (see Thompson et al. 2006 for details). The angular resolution of the ATLASGAL survey is indicated by the hatched red circle shown in the lower left corner. In the right panel we present a three colour mid-infrared image created using the 4.5, 5.8 and 8 μm IRAC band filters extracted from the GLIMPSE Legacy Project. Contours show the distribution of the dust with respect to the infrared emission (contour levels are the same as shown in the left panel). The white hatched circle shown in the lower left corner of this image again indicates the resolution of the ATLASGAL survey.

Catalogue Parameters
Source Name RA Dec Offset Size PA Eff. Radiusa Peak Flux Integrated Flux Detectionb Reference
(J2000) (J2000) ('') ('') (o) ('') (Jy beam-1) (Jy) Flag
AGAL323.459-00.079 15:29:19.48 -56:31:23.2 1.8 23 x 19 92 46 6.01 29.17 0 Urquhart et al. 2014

Molecular Line and Maser Data

Mopra 20 GHz Observational Results

Ammonia and Water Maser Spectra (View All Lines)

NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) inversion transitions top and bottom respectively.(Postscript)

Ammonia Fit Parameters
Line transition
NH3 (1,1) NH3 (2,2)
Cat. Id. rms (mK) VLSR (km/s) T_MB (K) FWHM (km/s) Optical Depth rms (mK) VLSR (km/s) T_MB (K) FWHM (km/s) Reference
390 12 -67.57 0.39 6.05 1.05 12 -68.04 0.20 2.62 Unpublished Data


These ammonia results are preliminary and may change as we refine both the calibration and fitting routines and therefore should be used with caution. Users are advised to contact a member of the RMS team if you intend using any of the results available here in a publication to insure the results are reliable.

Associated Methanol and Water Masers

Methanol Multibeam Maser Matches

Methanol Maser Parameters
Cat. Id. MMB Name RA (J2000) Dec. (J2000) Offset ('') Min VLSR (km/s) Max VLSR (km/s) Peak VLSR (km/s) Peak Intensity (Jy) Reference
151 G323.459-00.079 15:29:19.33 -56:31:22.8 1.04 -68.5 -66 -66.9 17.81 Green et al. 2012

Radio Continuum Results

Radio Catalogue Search Results

Source position and flux
Cat. ID Freq. (GHz) Radio name RA (J2000) Dec. (J2000) Offset ('') Source size ('') Peak flux (mJy) Int. flux (mJy) Morphology Telescope Reference
4939* 8.6 G323.4591-00.0787 15:29:19.36 -56:31:21.7 0.00 312.0 NULL ATCA Walsh et al. 1998


The following catalogues are searched for possible radio matches: Purcell et al. 2013, Urquhart et al. (2007, 2009), White et al. (2005), Sridharan et al. 2002, Walsh et al. (1998), Kurtz et al. (1994). Not all catalogues included have a homogeneous set of data and therefore you may find a number of fields are left blank.

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Send comments and suggestions to James Urquhart
University of Leeds